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This smartphone Application (App) is designed for men who have recently arrived in Australia on a humanitarian visa. Other men and women who are new to Australia may also find it useful.

The New Roots App has been developed to promote health and wellbeing, to assist with participating in community life, and to access community and government services.

When a tree is transplanted from one place to another place it takes time for it to grow new roots and become strong again. Eventually with enough sun, nutrients and water the tree can grow strong again and have flowers and fruit.

The New Roots App includes information, tips and tools that help with starting a new life in Australia and becoming strong in a new country.
The information, tips and tools are based on research and practical knowledge of what helps to improve health and wellbeing.

This includes tips and suggestions for regular exercise, healthy eating, sleep and rest, and connecting with other people. The App also offers the opportunity to self-assess and reflect on your emotional health on a regular basis. You can use various tools in the App to set yourself reminders about suggested activities or create your own activities, and track your progress.

The New Roots App is available for free in English with other language options in Arabic, Farsi and Tamil.

The New Roots project has been developed by Settlement Services International in partnership with beyondblue and funded with donations from The Movember Foundation.